Consumer Voice
Your opinion is greatly appreciated, we thank you for visiting this website or Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. If you have specific questions, comments, concerns or complaints we invite you to contact us by the email shown here: Emails received during business hours, should receive a response within 48 hours, excluding weekends or holidays.
Consumers wishing to file a complaint against a mortgage banker or a licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originator should complete and send a complaint form to the Texas department of savings and mortgage lending, 2601 North Lamar, suite 201, Austin, Texas 78705. Complaint forms and instructions may be obtained from the department’s website at A toll-free consumer hotline is available at 1-877-276-5550. The department maintains a recovery fund to make payments of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originators. A written application for reimbursement from the recovery fund must be filed with and investigated by the department prior to the payment of a claim. For more information about the recovery fund, please consult the department’s website at